Sunday, 15 January 2012

Weekly Production Log

Week 1-
Today I chose my partner for Unit 29 on who I will pair up with to create a music video for an unsigned artist of our choice. I chose Billy as we had a similar idea on our narratives and I thought we could create a good music video as we have a similar narrative and we could discuss who idea to go for.
We discussed who's idea we will choose and in the end we chose Billy's as we thought my idea may be hard to show the boy and the girl in to different locations. Also I thought his was a good idea as he had a strong narrative, had good idea's and also has most of his music video planned out. Also it will be easier to work together as we both know each other and can work together better.
I also think it would be a good idea to wok with Billy because I have not yet worked wih Billy on a media project before and I think it will be a good as we can both exchange idea's and make something new and different. Also I had not gained permission from my unsigned artists and Billy has got pemission from his, so it would be ideal to choose his idea and song choice as he has permission an we can continue later on to the next stage.

This was my only task this week and I have successfully completed my task.

Next Week-
Our next task for next week will be creating the storyboard for the music video and also checking if the music video can go forward. Also we will be starting our planning for our music video. The tasks for planning will be a Shooting script which will show every scene of the music video which acts like a storyboard, a Production schedule showing what days we will be filming and editing, Wavier cast which shows our cast has confirmed they are filming with us, Call sheet to show what we are doing on each days, Location reccies showing what locations we are filming at, Permission for locations to show that we have permission to film at the locations we chose, Risk assessment highlighting any risks at the locations and if their was a risk how would we prevent them from being dangerous to us and our cast and Job roles and responsibilities saying who is the manager or director etc.

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