Sunday, 15 January 2012

Feedback on Presentation

Above is the feedback I received from my class. Some positive points and also some negative points on what could be improved or what I may have missed out. Here I allowed my class mates to tell me what they think of my presentation, what they think of the song chose and what they think of my narrative and is it a strong idea. 

Are there any area's of the presentation you would like to give anymore detail on?
There were a thew area's I feel I did not explain properly to the group. One of these area's is the location, here I explained the type of location where it will be filmed but not so detailed as which specific part e.g. I mentioned the boy and the girl going out in London but in my pitch I did not mention where in London although I showed a picture of Piccadilly Circus which is where it will be located.
Another area I may not have mentioned in my presentation in detail was my budget. I did not clarify specifically what the budget is going to other than a thew props. I did not mention about the cost of travel for me and my cast. I also did not mention in detail what type of clothing the characters will be wearing and this plays a big part in my music video as this will represent where the two characters are from preferably and this plays a part in my narrative.

What did your audience identify as the strengths of your music video idea?
My audience gave me some positive feedback on my presentation, on things such as my research on the artists and also they thought the narrative was strong and would work well with my chosen song. Also the audience commented on my presentation practicability during the middle and end as it picked up and was better. Another strength on my music video is the type of mood it will create and it will work well with the audience as the lyrics are understandable and have a certain meaning to the audience I mentioned.

What did your audience identify as areas for improvement?
My audience gave me feedback on what could be improved to create a better music video. As I did not clearly mention what my characters will be wearing, I gave the audience a bit more information on this during my feedback. One of the students mentioned a good idea that I should change the characters clothes from each other to show they are in two different locations and this makes it easier for the audience to know that the two characters are apart. Another improvement or more of a idea to add was to show the two characters sending letters to each other to show the distance between them. I don't think there was no need for improvement on the creativity of my narrative as the audience thought this was a strong idea. 

What changes will you make to your music video concept based on the feedback you received?
From the feedback I have received I will change some parts of the music video such as the clothing. As before this will show the two characters in two different locations as from the dress sense. Also I will be adding possibly during the chorus/middle of the video the letters being sent between them.

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