Monday, 30 January 2012
Location Reccies
The first main location we will be filming at is The park in Barkingside, Clabury. This will be one of our main locations to shoot the film as this will be showing many of the shots here. This will probably not be the easiest location to film at as it still does not require permission but we are filming in a public place and also the public may not like us filming them. This may be an issue but we plan to film it during a quiet time of the day. Also the park we can be ceative and use different props and we can use the whole space to film except the children's area as parents may get the wrong idea.
The house is a good location for us to film at as we know the people and they are willing to let us film in their house. The house is located in Thomes Wood Hill. This location will be in most of the shots so this is an important location to film at. Comparing this to the park there are less issues such as people no liking us filming in the park but in the house there is privacy and we have permission to film so this is convinent.
Also comparing this to the flat, the house is more pactical to move around and we have more room to film. This is a disadvantage for the flat as there is not as much film. Again comparing to the park, it works out better to film in the park on the space level. The park we have as much room to film. In the house we can be quite practical by laying out different props and other stuff to change the set, but we can not re-arange furniture or move the house hold belongings as the owner does not want us to move anything.
The flat is our last location we are filming at. The flat is representing the male characters home once his girlfriend has broken up with him. The flat is much smaller than the house and has less filming space so it is not as practical. But we can be a bit more creative with the flat by adding our own props without ruining the flat. We also have permission to film in someone's flat. For this location it would have to be filmed on the weekend as it is far from both our homes so we would have to film this location possibly first to get it out the way and we can focus on the other two main locations. This location will be the most difficult as it is the furthest away and also there is not much room to film such as the other locations have more space to move and film.
The first main location we will be filming at is The park in Barkingside, Clabury. This will be one of our main locations to shoot the film as this will be showing many of the shots here. This will probably not be the easiest location to film at as it still does not require permission but we are filming in a public place and also the public may not like us filming them. This may be an issue but we plan to film it during a quiet time of the day. Also the park we can be ceative and use different props and we can use the whole space to film except the children's area as parents may get the wrong idea.

The flat is our last location we are filming at. The flat is representing the male characters home once his girlfriend has broken up with him. The flat is much smaller than the house and has less filming space so it is not as practical. But we can be a bit more creative with the flat by adding our own props without ruining the flat. We also have permission to film in someone's flat. For this location it would have to be filmed on the weekend as it is far from both our homes so we would have to film this location possibly first to get it out the way and we can focus on the other two main locations. This location will be the most difficult as it is the furthest away and also there is not much room to film such as the other locations have more space to move and film.
Weekly Production Log 3
Week 3-
This week me and my partner have been completeing the planning tasks. These tasks were Shooting Script, Location Reccies, Production Schedule, Waiver Cast, Calls Sheets and permission to film. These tasks are all apart of our planning and me and my partner have been working on these over the week. We had some difficulties completeing these tasks and had some problems completeing them such as the Waiver cast, this was a slight problem as cast were not sure if they were going to do the part. But we have had a confirmation from them and now this problem is resolved. Also we had difficultie working out the production schedule as we were both not sure what days to film and what days not to becuase some of us and the cast are busy during these days due to school. We have estimated roughly what days we can film and have done this in our production schedule.
This week me and my partner have been completeing the planning tasks. These tasks were Shooting Script, Location Reccies, Production Schedule, Waiver Cast, Calls Sheets and permission to film. These tasks are all apart of our planning and me and my partner have been working on these over the week. We had some difficulties completeing these tasks and had some problems completeing them such as the Waiver cast, this was a slight problem as cast were not sure if they were going to do the part. But we have had a confirmation from them and now this problem is resolved. Also we had difficultie working out the production schedule as we were both not sure what days to film and what days not to becuase some of us and the cast are busy during these days due to school. We have estimated roughly what days we can film and have done this in our production schedule.
Job Roles and Responibilities
Camera Operator
Aaron Bihal-I think I will be good for this job as I know how to use the Camera and I can relate to the script to guide me for each shot. Also I have had past experience using a camera and filming from previous media tasks. I think overall I will be the best for this section and I am happy to take this role as I am confiedent for this job.
Aaron Bihal-I think I will be good for this job as I know how to use the Camera and I can relate to the script to guide me for each shot. Also I have had past experience using a camera and filming from previous media tasks. I think overall I will be the best for this section and I am happy to take this role as I am confiedent for this job.
The editor will be me and Billy as we both have to edit the film together. This will be done after the filming is done and then we will both edit this as a pair. It would be best for us to edit together as we both know the concept and we know what the film will look like so based on this we can edit as a pair and create the same idea.
The director will be Billy as this is his idea and it would be ideal to select him as Director as he created the narrative and he knows what he wants in his film. Also he knows the cast better than me so he can director better than me. Overall this job will suit Billy as it is his idea and he clearly knows what he wants in his music video, he presented his pitch on it and has showed me that he knows what he wants. Also he is happy to be the director of the music video
Production ManagerThe production Manager will be Billy for this job role. We both think this would be ideal because once again it is his idea and narrative which he knows what he wants in his music video and also during the production he can manage everyone including me, on what i should be doing or what he wants me to do.
For the other cast and crew such as Sound, Make up, Lighting etc it will be:
The Lighting would be me, I would take this job role as i will be close to the lighting area in the drama hall so i can operate the lighting and camera at the same time. I believe this would not be difficult for me as i can start the camera early and then go onto the lighting as i can edit and take out the excessive footage in the beginning. I am happy to take on this job role and feel comfortable and confident and doing this.
For the props it will be both of us bringing this to the locations. It would be ideal for both of us to do so as we can both share the props and makes it easier to bring the location we have to film to.
Shooting Script
Monday, 23 January 2012
Weekly Blog 2
This week-
This week me and Billy worked on the Script for our music video. Here we had to create a 100 shots on what is going to happen in the music video, this is a plan and a guidance for us when it comes to creating the music video.
Me and Billy both worked on the script with me doing the first half and Billy doing the next half. We found this was challenging mostly for Billy as he did not have a checkpoint on where to start, it depends on where I finish so he can pick up from there. What we did was work on the spreadsheet through Gmail as here we could both type on the same page and make changes together without having to copy and paste eachothers sections later. The image shown below is the work we produced and shows the script complete. This was our main task this week and we managed to complete it in time.
Next Week-
Our task for next week will be continuing with the other planning tasks which are the location reccies, waiver for cast, call sheets, job roles and responsibilities, risk assessment and production schedule.
This week me and Billy worked on the Script for our music video. Here we had to create a 100 shots on what is going to happen in the music video, this is a plan and a guidance for us when it comes to creating the music video.
Me and Billy both worked on the script with me doing the first half and Billy doing the next half. We found this was challenging mostly for Billy as he did not have a checkpoint on where to start, it depends on where I finish so he can pick up from there. What we did was work on the spreadsheet through Gmail as here we could both type on the same page and make changes together without having to copy and paste eachothers sections later. The image shown below is the work we produced and shows the script complete. This was our main task this week and we managed to complete it in time.
Next Week-
Our task for next week will be continuing with the other planning tasks which are the location reccies, waiver for cast, call sheets, job roles and responsibilities, risk assessment and production schedule.
Sunday, 15 January 2012
Weekly Production Log
Week 1-
Today I chose my partner for Unit 29 on who I will pair up with to create a music video for an unsigned artist of our choice. I chose Billy as we had a similar idea on our narratives and I thought we could create a good music video as we have a similar narrative and we could discuss who idea to go for.
We discussed who's idea we will choose and in the end we chose Billy's as we thought my idea may be hard to show the boy and the girl in to different locations. Also I thought his was a good idea as he had a strong narrative, had good idea's and also has most of his music video planned out. Also it will be easier to work together as we both know each other and can work together better.
I also think it would be a good idea to wok with Billy because I have not yet worked wih Billy on a media project before and I think it will be a good as we can both exchange idea's and make something new and different. Also I had not gained permission from my unsigned artists and Billy has got pemission from his, so it would be ideal to choose his idea and song choice as he has permission an we can continue later on to the next stage.
This was my only task this week and I have successfully completed my task.
Next Week-
Our next task for next week will be creating the storyboard for the music video and also checking if the music video can go forward. Also we will be starting our planning for our music video. The tasks for planning will be a Shooting script which will show every scene of the music video which acts like a storyboard, a Production schedule showing what days we will be filming and editing, Wavier cast which shows our cast has confirmed they are filming with us, Call sheet to show what we are doing on each days, Location reccies showing what locations we are filming at, Permission for locations to show that we have permission to film at the locations we chose, Risk assessment highlighting any risks at the locations and if their was a risk how would we prevent them from being dangerous to us and our cast and Job roles and responsibilities saying who is the manager or director etc.
Today I chose my partner for Unit 29 on who I will pair up with to create a music video for an unsigned artist of our choice. I chose Billy as we had a similar idea on our narratives and I thought we could create a good music video as we have a similar narrative and we could discuss who idea to go for.
We discussed who's idea we will choose and in the end we chose Billy's as we thought my idea may be hard to show the boy and the girl in to different locations. Also I thought his was a good idea as he had a strong narrative, had good idea's and also has most of his music video planned out. Also it will be easier to work together as we both know each other and can work together better.
I also think it would be a good idea to wok with Billy because I have not yet worked wih Billy on a media project before and I think it will be a good as we can both exchange idea's and make something new and different. Also I had not gained permission from my unsigned artists and Billy has got pemission from his, so it would be ideal to choose his idea and song choice as he has permission an we can continue later on to the next stage.
This was my only task this week and I have successfully completed my task.
Next Week-
Our next task for next week will be creating the storyboard for the music video and also checking if the music video can go forward. Also we will be starting our planning for our music video. The tasks for planning will be a Shooting script which will show every scene of the music video which acts like a storyboard, a Production schedule showing what days we will be filming and editing, Wavier cast which shows our cast has confirmed they are filming with us, Call sheet to show what we are doing on each days, Location reccies showing what locations we are filming at, Permission for locations to show that we have permission to film at the locations we chose, Risk assessment highlighting any risks at the locations and if their was a risk how would we prevent them from being dangerous to us and our cast and Job roles and responsibilities saying who is the manager or director etc.
Feedback on Presentation
Above is the feedback I received from my class. Some positive points and also some negative points on what could be improved or what I may have missed out. Here I allowed my class mates to tell me what they think of my presentation, what they think of the song chose and what they think of my narrative and is it a strong idea.
Are there any area's of the presentation you would like to give anymore detail on?
There were a thew area's I feel I did not explain properly to the group. One of these area's is the location, here I explained the type of location where it will be filmed but not so detailed as which specific part e.g. I mentioned the boy and the girl going out in London but in my pitch I did not mention where in London although I showed a picture of Piccadilly Circus which is where it will be located.
Another area I may not have mentioned in my presentation in detail was my budget. I did not clarify specifically what the budget is going to other than a thew props. I did not mention about the cost of travel for me and my cast. I also did not mention in detail what type of clothing the characters will be wearing and this plays a big part in my music video as this will represent where the two characters are from preferably and this plays a part in my narrative.
What did your audience identify as the strengths of your music video idea?
My audience gave me some positive feedback on my presentation, on things such as my research on the artists and also they thought the narrative was strong and would work well with my chosen song. Also the audience commented on my presentation practicability during the middle and end as it picked up and was better. Another strength on my music video is the type of mood it will create and it will work well with the audience as the lyrics are understandable and have a certain meaning to the audience I mentioned.
What did your audience identify as areas for improvement?
My audience gave me feedback on what could be improved to create a better music video. As I did not clearly mention what my characters will be wearing, I gave the audience a bit more information on this during my feedback. One of the students mentioned a good idea that I should change the characters clothes from each other to show they are in two different locations and this makes it easier for the audience to know that the two characters are apart. Another improvement or more of a idea to add was to show the two characters sending letters to each other to show the distance between them. I don't think there was no need for improvement on the creativity of my narrative as the audience thought this was a strong idea.
What changes will you make to your music video concept based on the feedback you received?
From the feedback I have received I will change some parts of the music video such as the clothing. As before this will show the two characters in two different locations as from the dress sense. Also I will be adding possibly during the chorus/middle of the video the letters being sent between them.
Wednesday, 11 January 2012
Monday, 2 January 2012
Creating my Artists Identity

Jackies Boyz
Record Label-
Age- N/A
Gender- Male
Location- Savanna Georgia
Ethnicity- Black American
History- Jackie Boyz are brothers and were born and raised in Savanna Georgia. They got their name after their mother died, her name was 'Jackie' and named the band 'Jackie Boyz' in memory of their mother. Jackie Boyz have been quite successful not working with a record label but had the chance to work with famous artists such as Flo Rida, Chris Brown, Justin Bieber, Maddona, Robin Thicke, David Guetta and Suga Babes. Los and Stevie are both singers and song writers.
Below I have listed the type of clothing my Artist/band would wear and what effect this has on them as a artist/band.
The type of clothing my Artist/band would wear would be a young modern urban look, teenagers look as this is the age group the band is and the audience can relate to the same fashion. The first image are chino trousers, these are popular with teenagers and young adults and are also quite fashionable today. I think this would suit my artist/band quite well.
The second image a red shirt which would be worn with the sleeves rolled up to the elbow. This shirt would make my artist/band stand out and it looks modern and has that urban look.
The shoes shown above are modern and this is what the target audience wear, they also look urban and new.
This type of jacket suits my artist/band as it has a different look, has many features such as logos, big buttons, black and white stripes and a visible pocket. I would categorize this as what my artist/band would wear as they need to stand out and look different.
Again this cap looks modern and has that urban look, its bright and colorful and also stands out. Hip-Hop and R&B artists mainly were caps by 'New Era' as it is almost a trend in the hip hop side and also a typical image for the artist in the hip hop industries.
A watch is very popular in the hip hop side with diamonds on, this would suit my artist/band image. The t-shirt is brightly colored and stands out, also modern and has a urban look.
The typography is an important part for an artist/band as this represents them and is the artists/band logo.

Above are the fonts I have chosen which I think suit the Artists/band image, it shows the type of genre the artist/band as it looks like graffiti and urban. This shows that is hip-hop/rap as many hip-hop/rap stars have an edgy wavy typography. Also the typography is serif as it continues and does not look formal.
The location of the music video would be London Piccadilly circus, a famous location and represents the artist location and background. Also at night it is an iconic place to see and I think this is a good location to film my artist/band as it has good lighting and is a popular place.
The lighting for the video would be a sun dawn colour and pitched outside. I think this gives a memorable feeling to the video and will remind the audience of memorable times. Also this lighting is perfect for the ending of the video as the last scene will be the sun setting.
The costume is important in a music video as it represents the artist image on how they dress on what style they are into. It also inspires the audience/fans of the artist to dress like them. My artist/band would wear a raiders jacket with chino trousers and Adidas Original Hi-tops. This look for my artist/band is a modern look and looks urban. Also with the mix of colors the artist/band stands out. Also my artist/band will wear a wrist watch.
The colors which represent my artist are light blue, black and white. These colors would also be the colour of the typography. Light blue represents Jazz and 'Jackies Boyz' are in the categories Jazz. Black is a common colour used in hip-hop and represents most hip-hop artists background. And I would use white to break up the colors and white represents peace.
This image shows the lyric 'On the telephone' where in the music video it represents them being apart and talking over the phone.
This image represents their love for each other and from the lyric 'I got this girl from by the name of rose' this was my first thought. This image also represents their love for each other.
I see this image as to a location of where it would be set and represents the mood of the song. As it looks peaceful and romantic as the sun is setting and this is known to be romantic when two people watch the sun set.
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