Is someone illegally breaking into a mobile phone, accessing their messages, telephone calls, voice mails etc (all access to their phone and information). Phone hackers are illegally accessing peoples devices when unauthroized to. Hacking itself started in the 1980's. Phone hacking or any type of hacking is a serious crime as hackers are illegally intruding in your information. This information could be your personal details such as name, address, mobile number, possibly your card type and number, they invade on your privacy.
Why does the newspaper industry use phone hacking?
The main reason newspaper industry's use phone hacking is to invade in celebrity's, sports stars, famous peoples privacy and find secret information about them to exploit over news headlines. They do this to gain private information of the victims, information victims don't want the media to know. News of the World have been accused of many hacking's in the past and the company was dropped. The incidents they were accused of were hacking into British Solider relatives, hacking into Milly Dowlers voicemails (murdered in March 2002) and the 7/7 London bomb attack victims. They wiped certain voicemails and listened into victims calls. To answer the question overall, newspapers use phone hacking to access victims phones for illegal private information.
What has the impact been on the newspaper industry?
News of the world (known for hacking in previous incidents) have had a big impact on the company as after the situations they were accused of, were dropped. From news of the world causing problems to victims, it has also made an impact to other newspaper industry's, as people and readers do not trust newspapers. The Sun which is a well used newspaper, was financially affected as a 7 percent drop in readers.
Who are the Main victims of Phone hackers and how has it effected them?
The main victims who were hacked by News of the world are Victims from the 7/7 London bomb attack, Milly Dowler, British soldiers and Sarah Payne.
Milly Dowler- Glenn Mulcaire is a private investigator accused of collecting personal information on Milly Dowlers family, a school girl who was missing in March 2002. Six months later her body was found. News of the world journalists hired private investigators (Glenn Mulcaire) to hack into Milly Dowlers phone. It was said that they deleted messages destroying valuable evidence for police and the family giving false hope that she could still be alive. From News of the world erasing vital evidence, the police and family were lead to thinking she is still alive and continuing the investigation, they were being lied to.
British Soldiers- Glenn Mulcaire once again hacked into some relatives of dead British soldiers killed in action in Afghanistan and Iraq. It was also said that personal details such as phone numbers were found in files of the private investigator Glenn Mulcaire.
7/7 London Bomb attack- Victims, victims family's and also firefighters of the 7/7 attack were hacked by the news of the world.
What is News-corp? How has this Scandal affected them?
News-corp stands for News corporation. News-corp is an American multinational media conglomerate (Large corporation) founded by Rupert Murdoch. The scandal has effected them in their popularity and also being closed down from the scandal, Rupert Murdoch's newspaper industry.
Who are Rebekah Brooks and Andy Coulson? How are they involved in the phone
hacking scandal?
Rebekah Brooks and Andy Coulson are both English journalists. Rebekah is also a former newspaper editor and the youngest editor of a British national newspaper as editor of News of the world and Andy Coulson is also political strategics. They were both involved in the phone hacking scandal as they both payed police for information and Andy Coulson was apart of the phone hacking.
What has the government done to address phone hacking?
David Cameron himself said he will make up and remit of the public inquiry and sort issues concerning the police. The issues concerning the police was giving vital information to News of the world reporters Rebekah Brooks and Andy Coulson over money.
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